Our Services
what we do
CKRH provides services that improve the quality of life and health for children and adults with special physical, cognitive, emotional, and social needs through therapeutic activities with the horse. These activities are facilitated by our staff of highly trained Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructors (CTRIs), educators, and therapists. CKRH takes great pride in offering programming across the lifespan and we find that individuals from all backgrounds can benefit from interaction with our equine partners.
Want to learn more about our services and how therapeutic riding might be a fit for you or your loved one? Click below to speak with our Program Director.
Therapeutic Riding & Horsemanship
For individuals with special medical needs, physical and cognitive disabilities, mental health diagnoses, and learning disabilities.
Therapeutic Riding and Adaptive Horsemanship (TR) are equestrian activities of therapeutic value that harness the healing power of the horse to promote improved balance, coordination, and gross/fine motor skills, increased flexibility, strength and muscle tone, enhanced concentration and problem-solving skills, reduced stress and anxiety, and increased confidence, concentration, and communication. Sensory stimulation and increased socialization for individuals with disabilities are also important outcomes of equine-assisted services (EAS).
TR is the cornerstone of our EAS program. These services are offered in mounted and unmounted capacities to individuals with varying diagnoses. Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructors (CTRI) and Instructors in Training (CTRI-ITs) teach riding and horsemanship skills through adaptation and modification to facilitate independence and success in the challenges presented to our clients. These services are tailored to address individual therapeutic goals based on the unique needs of each participant and aim to build skills essential to their daily lives.
Minis & Me
Not quite ready to ride? Minis & Me is a group style groundwork and horsemanship program geared toward participants with mental health and learning disabilities. This non-mounted program is designed to progress horsemanship skills on the ground while improving the participant’s self-esteem and confidence, problem-solving, sequencing, and gross and fine motor skills.
Military Programming
For veterans and active-duty service members
Therapeutic Horsemanship programming for veterans and active-duty service members supported through collaborations with the Kentucky National Guard and Camp Brown Bear.
Registered Wounded Warriors through the Wounded Warrior Project may participate in EAS at no charge. CKRH is proud to be a registered EAS provider for the Wounded Warrior Project with the support of PATH International. Want to get started? It’s easy! First, register with the Wounded Warrior project HERE. Once registered, you must receive a referral from the WWP to a PATH Premiere center (CKRH).
Equine-Assisted Learning
The Stables
The Stables is a community partnership with Fayette County Public Schools providing a unique learning opportunity for students in grades 8-12 who thrive in a nontraditional school setting. Designed with academics in mind, the Stables also provides opportunities to gain work competencies and vocational skills. In addition to classroom instruction, students are engaged in activities that focus on life skills such as problem solving, communication, team building, and development of positive relationships. While learning about and caring for horses, Stables students develop an appreciation for hard work and responsibility while building their confidence and self-esteem.
Minis on the move
Miniature horse mobile outreach
Minis on the Move takes our services on the road to visit individuals in nursing homes or daycares who need a “mini” pick-me-up but might be unable to participate in services at CKRH. Visits are facilitated by certified instructors and two of CKRH’s miniature horses. Participants enjoy grooming, playing games, and one-on-one interactions with our horses. Interested in scheduling a Minis on the Move visit? Contact programmgr@ckrh.org.
Summer camp for young clients with special medical needs, physical and cognitive disabilities, mental health diagnoses, and learning disabilities.
HorseAbility is supported through a collaboration with Easterseals Bluegrass. This summer camp program is for younger clients whose special needs generally prohibit them from participating in a traditional camp setting. The month-long day camp is staffed by certified instructors and registered medical staff and combines traditional day camp activities with Therapeutic Riding. A typical day might include practicing posture and balance on their favorite therapy horse, a nature hike on the sensory trail, arts and crafts, sing-alongs, or bathing miniature horses.
iNSTRUCTOR in training program
Our Instructor in Training Program is a year-long program designed to prepare candidates to achieve the CTRI (Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor) Certification through PATH Intl. (Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International). The program consists of instructional time in the classroom and mentored teaching hours in the arena and ensures instructors in training are well versed and educated in all facets of the industry in preparation for their certification exam.
Program eligibility is based upon the presence of a physical, behavioral, cognitive, psychosocial, or learning-related diagnosis. Our programming success is based on maximizing function and engagement through the power of the horse. Instructional staff teach riding and horsemanship skills through adaptation and modification of skills to facilitate success in the tasks presented to our clients.
Forms & downloads
Participant Forms
Anyone interested in participating at CKRH should contact at 859-231-7066 or clientrelations@ckrh.org for detailed registration instructions.